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9.1 (2.625 reviews)

Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC)

The first ICF accredited systems inspired team and relationship coach training.
Start your fundamentals Free info event
  • ORSC is a powerful tool that reshapes your approach to relationships.
  • Learn to facilitate transformative change in teams, organizations and relations.
  • The world’s only ICF-accredited training for relationship systems coaches.

From the boardroom to the livingroom, relationships matter

Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC) is an integrated and robust coaching model based on Relationship Systems Intelligence™. Beyond Emotional Intelligence (relationship with oneself) and Social Intelligence (relationship with others) is the realm of Relationship Systems Intelligence where one’s focus shifts to the relationship with the group, team or system. This approach creates sustainable and resilient teams, organizations and families.

How ORSC works with other coaching and training methodologies.

The analogy that we like to use is that ORSC is an operating system upon which other applications, mental models and approaches can be reinterpreted. Once our participants make the paradigm shift from engaging individuals to the entire group (what we call The Third Entity™ – or the Relationship System Itself), a whole new world of opportunities emerges. Many participants report great satisfaction because what they’ve already learned and used in their work is even more effective when coupled with ORSC™ principles.

Exclusive licensing partner

Competence Training Institute is the official exclusive licensing partner of the ORSC programs in 10 European countries, including The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland. Join us on this first ICF accredited systems inspired team and relationship coach training.

Accredited ORSC Program

Free online information event

Curious about the Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC) program?Join one of our free online information events to get the information you need to take the next step in your training journey. We will explore frequently asked questions and the ORSC methodology.

Reserve your place now!
ORSC Info Event
"ORSC has helped me by seeing senior leadership teams as a system. After taking ORSC courses, I understand that a system is constantly evolving. When something does not go according to plan, I now understand that something new is then emerging. This makes coaching teams more fun for me and also lighter for the teams I support.”

Winda Evers, Senior Leadership and Development Consultant

Start here!

ORSC Fundamentals

ORSC Fundamentals is the introduction to ORSC for coaches. As a participant you work as a coach with relationships, couples and teams. Therefore you will practice with private and work related scenarios and coaching demos.

ORSC Fundamentals

Free online info event

Find out more during one our online information events. Get all your questions answered in an hour on ORSC Team and Systems Coaching.

ORSC Information Event

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Have questions? Need more help? Or just want to consult one of our Program Advisors? Schedule a call today.

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What others think

2.625 participants rate us with a 9.1!
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Do you have questions about this course? Want to discuss whether this course fits your needs? We are here for you!

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Or call us at +31 (0)418 68 29 38 for personal advice


Internationally accredited

CRR Global

CRR Global was founded in 2007, by Faith Fuller and Marita Fridjhon. The first ORSC Certification was launched in February 2008. Over time CRR Global expanded their coaching model to include innovative theories and programs in Relationship Systems Intelligence (RSI) and Systems-Inspired Leadership (SIL). CRR Global currently has partners in 15+ countries and over 665 certified practitioners around the globe. 

Competence Training Institute is proud to be the exclusive partner of CRR Global to offer you the wonderful ORSC programs in the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Virtual via Zoom.

CRR Global and Competence both believe in the power of a strong and empowered relationship. We feel honored to build and grow together, with our participants, faculty, colleagues and the larger system. 

ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (Level 2)

CRR Global is an ICF-certified Coach Training School and the creator of the world-renowned curriculum, ORSC™. This is the only ICF-certified systems-based training and certification program in the world. Over 20.000 practitioners, across six continents in numerous countries have been trained by CRR Global. 

By completing the ORSC courses you will receive a Certificate of completion and you’ll qualify for the following ICF in-class contact hours: ORSC Fundamentals 12 hours; Intelligence; Geography, Path and Systems Integration each earn 18 hours. Completion of ORSC Certification meets the requirements of an entire ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (level 2 formerly ACTP).


Upon completion you will establish a reliable coaching framework and gain competency in Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching. You will receive a certificate stating and you are eligible to start with the individual ORSC Certification. The start of your journey is the ORSC Fundamentals. 

9.1 (2.625 reviews)
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