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2/15/2023 | Competence

Testimonial | Winda on ORSC

Winda Evers On ORSC

Winda Evers is a Senior Leadership and Development Consultant and works in an international energy company. She applies the learnings of the Organization and Relationship Systems Coach (ORSC) training in her work and personal relationships. Watch the video to see what Winda has to say about ORSC.

How did ORSC help you in particular?

“In the boardroom it is my job to facilitate conversations with senior leadership teams. How ORSC helped me, is to really see the senior leadership teams as a system. Quite often when things don’t go to plan I put everything on my shoulder. What should I have done differently or is this my fault, because I didn’t do this so well. After I joined ORSC I understand that a system is continuously emerging, finding its way. When something doesn’t go to plan I learned to look at it as this is what’s emerging. I think it makes it more enjoyable for me as the facilitator and also lighter for the teams that I am supporting. There’s less pressure for them as well. We’ll just find out what’s happening.”

How did ORSC help you manage emotionally intense topics?

“Quite often we take everything on our shoulder and that the session should go as planned in the idea that we designed. Especially with senior leadership teams it doesn’t always go that way. Sometimes they have insights that’s emerging and the room needs to be created for them to have good conversations and develop on that and it makes me feel more balanced approaching these kind of situations. I see them as a system that requires me to support, as opposed to these problems I have to fix.”

What within this training made the biggest impact?

“The many different powerful tools that I learned in this training. I’ve got a backpack filled with tools that I can use. I can bring these at the most appropriate time and I know already that it will work.”

Would you recommend this training?

“The tools in ORSC really touches the heart and mind. I walked away with many different tools that are so valuable for me at work and in my personal life. The second, I would recommend this also for the experiential element of it. We’re not only learning about the tools but we’re practicing it first on ourselves. Through a lot of roleplaying and emerging in the tools and the feelings of it. The experiential element of it is very unique. And the third, I would also recommend the training because of the opportunity to meet with a lot of professionals from diverse backgrounds. Everyone is so passionate about organizational and system coaching.”

What is the value of the ORSC program?

“Some time ago there was a Dutch comedian, Arjen Lubach that made fun of the coaching business. He said that there’re so many coaches in the world. What he’s saying basically is that he does not trust the industry because anyone can call themselves a coach. And the value of having ICF accreditation is the credibility element of ORSC. You know that when you’re calling yourself a team coach and you have gone through ORSC people can be assured that you’ve been through really methodical approaches. You have practiced with real clients. You go through certain minimum hours in order to get into the completion. Te credibility of it is really an added value. It gives the clients confidence that when they’re reaching out to a team coach that is ICF accredited, they know that it’s really good quality. It’s a protection to the client as well.”

What is the value of the ORSC network?

“There is so much that I gained from connecting with the ORSC network. We still reach out to each other sharing learnings, ask questions and even on social media for example encouraging each other’s and just cheering for each other’s success and learning.”

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