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2/23/2022 | Competence

Testimonial | Christopher on Co-Active Coaching

Christopher On Co Active

“My name is Christopher McCann. I am an individual team coach, facilitator and educator in Stockholm Sweden.”

How do you apply Co-Active in your daily life?

“You know I was thinking about this. It was more easier to say which areas has it not affected, but I would say in general almost everything. I am more patient, I listen better, I am more present in the world and I often think about the quotation about coaching. Coaching is not a profession but a way of being with each other. I think that sums it up pretty well.”

What within this training made the biggest impact?

“It was really the sheer amount of coaching that we did in the training, both in the core curriculum and in the certification. Both; coaching others and being coached. You’re being coached a lot. You are forced to go quite deep and to you know really what you think and different aspects of yourself that you might not have explored previously.”

Which part of the training appealed to you the most?

“I really liked all the training, I liked doing it with the group. I did most of mine online, so a lot of it was doing it with others. And the second one was without a doubt the coaching supervision and certification. That was the best learning for me. I did some of the core in person, but then COVID came, so I did, I would say 80 percent of it online. And that was outstanding, it was well facilitated. Teachers were really skilled and really communicating and seeing everyone in an online format.”

Would you recommend this training?

“There is a lot of people that have asked me the very same question and I usually absolutely, in a second. In fact if you said will you do it again and start tomorrow? I would without a doubt just go ahead and do it.

It really was something that I really got a lot out, enjoyed and miss to a certain extent, the people, my pod that I had for certification, everyone. I think for me one of the big take-aways for coaching is the fact that’s it’s applicable to a lot of areas in the world. I think coaching skills are really important, definitely in the working place. I see a huge need for that. And I think that if more people had coaching skills, I am not saying being a coach, but coaching skills. The world would be in a much better place than it is today.”

What do you see as the added value of the ICF accreditation of this training?

“I think that’s really important that coaching is an unregulated industry, It’s important to maintain some kind of level of competency and professionalism, I also like it that through the certification to maintain your certification you’re encouraged to maintain your skills and explore different areas of coaching, which I think is good. Because there is so much happening in the coaching industry. As part of having a certification they make you do it basically. Which I think is really good.”

What it the added value of the network for you?

“I really enjoy what I call a coaching tribe with people. I think it’ s a very special group of people that are attracted to coaching. That I really can speak openly with. I mean people all over the world, that I am fairly certain that I could ask any question and they would pretty much drop whatever they doing to help me answer. I think it’s a feeling of tremendous support in what you are doing and the coaching you are doing.”

Christopher McCann

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