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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you'll find FAQ's on Co-Active Leadership.
  • Internationally accredited programs
  • For 10 European countries
  • Open enrollment & Inhouse

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General Information

The CLE training consists of 3 consecutive days. 

Course Information

Up to one hour of training can be missed in the Co-Active Leadership Experience training. 

The CLE is not only a powerful standalone experience, it provides an introduction and understanding of the Co-Active Leadership Model, allowing space for deeper meaning and connection in our 10-month Leadership Program. 

It is with the 3 consecutive days of training shorter than the 10-month program and also more affordable. 

They both use the Co-Active Leadership Model so they will touch on some of the same concepts but the Leadership Program explores the model and leadership dimensions to a much greater depth. CLE introduces the dimensions and lets learners practice embodying them - it gives them the tools and experience to start approaching leadership in a more Co-Active way. 

But the Leadership Program really lets learners live Co-Active leadership - it challenges and transforms learners in a way only possible with this kind of extended, intentional and programmatic experience. So there is a little overlap, but learners who've been through CLE would still get a huge amount of value and new experience from the Leadership Program. It's not one or the other: it's both/and. That said, it's entirely possible to go straight into the Leadership Program without doing CLE. Learners don't need an understanding of the five dimensions when they start. 

We definitely recommend the CLE program to coaches too. The course is for people who have no experience with the Co-Active approach or for those who already practice Co-Active coaching and want to grow their leadership capacity. 

We believe everyone is a leader; it is not a role you fulfill but a responsibility you choose. Whether you are a leader of a team, an organization, a family, an enterprise or a community, you can benefit from reflecting on your leadership qualities. 

The Co-Active Leadership Experience is both for people who have already followed Co-Active training as well as those who have never done any Co-Active training at all. While the training will be given in the spirit of Co-Active (for example very experiential and based on the understanding that people are creative, resourceful and whole) the model is completely different (Leader Within, In Front, Beside, Behind and In the Field) and the focus is on you. It’s all about getting a clearer sense of yourself and your purpose which puts you in a better position to get the best out of others. 

The ethos of CLE is that we are all leaders. This training helps you to get more insights into your creativity/reactivity in the different leadership roles you fulfill in daily life: Leader Within, In Front, Beside, Behind and In the Field and how to transform. We believe everyone is a leader; it is not a role you fulfill but a responsibility you choose. Whether you are a leader of a team, an organization, a family, an enterprise or a community, you can benefit from reflecting on your leadership qualities. 

Trainers and Assistants

2 CTI certified leaders facilitate the CLE training. 

You can be an assistant if you have already followed this training. To apply, please send an e-mail to Please state your name in the e-mail, and in which location (or online) and language you would like to assist. 

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