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9.1 (2.625 reviews)

Co-Active Programs

The most impactful coach training and certification program in the coaching industry. Internationally accredited.
Co-Active Coaching Co-Active Leadership
  • Build powerful relationships with clients, teammates and people around you.
  • Get simple tools to apply everything you learn in your daily life.
  • Step outside your comfort zone & learn new things.

Co-Active experiential learning evokes transformation 

The Co-Active Training is designed for coaches and leaders around the world, helping them navigate toward stronger relationships, integral solutions, and creating meaningful impact in the world. 
Through ground-breaking teaching methods and a global network of world-class faculty and partners, the Co-Active difference delivers contextually relevant and experiential learning that ignites transformation and a life-long journey developing the deepest expression of leadership in each human being.

Competence Training Institute is the official exclusive licensing partner of the Co-Active programs in 10 European countries, including The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland. Join us on this exciting journey to unlock the deepest expression of leadership within every individual and set the stage for a lifelong journey of growth and impact.

What is Co-Active? 

Co-Active is more than a coaching and leadership training program. Co-Active helps you stretch your sightline, get you out of your comfort zone, and grow along the way. It’s a way to better understand your own journey — to help you design your own life’s quest by rediscovering your courage to be the one you want to be, in order to create what you want to create. Expand your understanding of the world around you and develop the skills to handle any situation.

The Co-Active training programs are experiential programs that are 100% guaranteed to create change. You can choose between two pathways: Coaching & Leadership.

Coaching skills pathway 

The Co-Active Coaching Pathway will prepare you to coach anyone with confidence, on any topic, supported by the Co-Active Model, which is known as the most flexible and proven model in the coaching world. These programs are part of the Co-Active Professional Coach Certification pathway 

Leadership pathway 

The Leadership Pathway is a leadership development program that transcends conventional training. Rooted in the belief that leadership is not just a skill set but a journey of self-discovery, this program empowers you to become an authentic, impactful leader.

Free online information event

Curious about the Co-Active Coach Training program and what makes Co-Active different from other coach training schools? Or do you want to know more about the Co-Active Leadership Experience? Join one of our free online information events to get the information you need to take the next step in your training journey. We explore frequently asked questions and share our Co-Active (Leadership)-Model.

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"If more people had coaching skills, the world would be in a much better place than it is today."

Christopher McCann, team coach, facilitator and educator

Coaching & Leadership

Fundamentals of coaching

This program provides hands-on training to let you experience the powerful coaching skills and communication techniques of Co-Active coaching. It is the first prerequisite in the coach training series, and so versatile that we recommend it to anyone who desires practical tools and skills for becoming a stronger and aligned person.

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Co-Active Leadership Experience

During the Co-Active Leadership Experience, you will spend time immersed in experiential learning, exploring different dimensions of leadership. This exploration of different leadership styles provides a structure that empowers you to become more effective as a leader.

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What others think

2.625 participants rate us with a 9.1!
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Internationally accredited

Co-Active Training Institute

The Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) is the largest professional coach and leadership training organization in the world. CTI has trained more than 145.000 coaches, leaders and professionals, including employees in more than a third of Fortune 100 companies. CTI believes everyone is continually moving on a journey of transformation. 

Competence Training Institute is proud to be the exclusive licensing partner of CTI to offer this program in multiple European countries.

ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (Level 2)

CTI was the very first coach training organization to be accredited by the ICF. Each of our core courses is accredited and our full program is an ICF Level 2 accredited Coach Training Program (formerly ACTP).

Completion earns the following ICF in-class contact hours: Co-Active Fundamentals 18.75 hours; Fulfillment 21.50 hours; Balance, Process and Synergy each earn 21.25 hours. The Certification Program earns 92 hours.

For participating in Co-Active Leadership Experience, you will receive 18.75 uur, including 11.75 uur in Core Competencies and 7 in Resource Development. 

9.1 (2.625 reviews)
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