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Online Training Programs
9.1 (2.625 reviews)

Online training and virtual classrooms

  • Internationally accredited programs
  • Live & Online
  • Open enrollment & Inhouse

Do you prefer online training to face to face? That is possible! Virtually, you can start and finish your training without travel time. And it is possible to discuss the theory, share your knowledge and experiences, to practice, give and receive feedback and to experiment, just like in a face to face meeting.

What is a virtual classroom?

For an online training you get access to a secure virtual classroom. For this we use the online platform Zoom. You will receive the link from us and meet the faculty and the other participants of your group via your laptop or PC - at the dates and times indicated in your class schedule. 

You can choose from full day or half day training. The facilitator ensures an instructive and varied session. In addition to theory and assignments in breakout rooms, for example, there are plenty of breaks in between.

Find your virtual training

Everyone works remotely, learning to deal with a new situation, the need to innovate and think ahead. Keep developing yourself professionally with our virtual training courses.

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We guarantee the same quality

We guarantee the same quality and results with virtual training as with training in person. You will achieve your goals, although the way you will achieve them can be slightly different. Our facilitators are experts and know how to guide you online and will focus on your development goals or any other questions you might have.

"I took Fundamentals in-person and feared a lesser experience with the virtual Intermediate courtse. Not at all the case!"

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9.1 (2.625 reviews)
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